Frequently Asked Questions

We don鈥檛 have any formal requirements. Generally, you need to be highly motivated and willing to work hard. Europe鈥檚 medical schools have high enough requirements as it is!

Absolutely. Our program is suitable for all the medical and para-medical degrees that are offered by our target universities. In most institutions, all students take exactly the same entrance exam, and the only difference is slightly different passing grades. Anyway, our pre-med program covers all the material you need to know for medicine, as well as dentistry, veterinary, pharmacy, physiotherapy and nursing.

Definitely! In fact, many students arrive with no previous knowledge. During the program, you will learn everything you need to know, from the very basic topics to the most advanced.

Our study program is planned for 16 to 18 weeks. The online material will be available to you for six months. However, we recommend sticking to the planned schedule and finishing all the courses over the planned period.

We have several terms every year. The exact dates are set according to the dates of the entrance exams, as scheduled by the universities every year. Please contact us for exact dates.

Since the courses are online, there is some flexibility for late enrollment. Contact us by Email or by the enrollment form on the website.

The institutions featured on our website are ones that our study program is fully adapted for, covering all of the required material for their entrance exams. There are other universities that may have different acceptance requirements. Particularly, some institutions require passing a Physics entrance exam, which is not yet covered by our study program.

Every university has a representative in Israel, who takes care of registration. Med-Prep Europe works closely with some of them. We will be glad to give you the contact details of these representatives, and they will assist you with the process.

No, you are not. Some representatives operate pre-med programs, some don’t. You are not obliged to study there, or, as a matter of fact, at any school. Some students study on their own (not easy…). You can definitely study with us, and take the exam with any representative, even if they have their own program.

Absolutely. You can pay in up to four installments, with no interest and no adjustments.

You can access our online material with any internet-accessible device. However, we recommend using a computer or at least a tablet with a large screen, as a large part of the content is presented visually, including detailed illustrations.

No. All online materials are available on the internet, and we will provide you with the printed workbooks. You do not need anything beyond that.

The workbooks will be delivered to you by registered mail or by courier, before the start of the program. It鈥檚 important you fill in your exact address in the enrollment form for delivery!

Copyright 漏 2020 Med-Prep Europe

!Free Trial Course

In order for you to be able to assess our methodology, and experience the effectiveness of online training, we have built a small free online course for you, with introductory lessons in biology, chemistry and physiology.

The course is hosted on the Thinkific site, where our entire program is hosted.

After pressing the button, you will be directed to the course website, where you will be asked to register and create a user account in order to access the course.

We are sorry

We are sorry, the free trial course is under maintenance, and is not available at the moment. It will be up and running shortly.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Contact us

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