I would like to highly recommend the MED PREP EUROPE pre-med school.
I started everything from scratch, and with no past background, the school gave me all the tools to succeed. The material is built in the most comfortable way possible. I could not imagine that one could study chemistry, biology and anatomy with such ease, and most importantly at such a high level.
The teachers gave me exceptional personal attention, I am more than happy that I took part in the pre-med course, and received a lot of knowledge that will accompany me in the future as well.
When I made the decision to study medicine abroad, I preferred to use a pre-med school that would advance me to my goal as quickly and safely as possible.
After checking, I realized that there are a lot of pre-med schools that offer help and preparation for the entrance exam.
After talking to Dr. Philip, whose approach was different and pleasant than other preparatory courses I spoke with, I decided to start studying at Med-prep Europe.
And today in retrospect I realize that this is one of the smartest decisions I made.
I started the program during military service and very busy days.
The material is delivered so well and is always accessible, which allowed me to study at hours and times that were convenient for me and thus move forward.
Beyond that, we students have always been around an amazing team that was interested in our success and understanding.
The school teaches from the basics, and therefore it is very easy to integrate and understand the material even without prior knowledge in the science subjects.
A warm recommendation from my heart – if you are looking for a pre-med school that will advance you directly to your goal, and even accompany you along the way, you have come to the right address J
I passed the entrance test on the first time, and the feeling was amazing.
The Med-Prep Europe pre-med school is a great choice!ย
The material is delivered in an excellent, focused way, highly relevant to the universitiesโ entrance exams. The school gives the best tools for success in the entrance exams, through the unique tools and content that are passed on to the students.ย
At first, I was a little worried about the online lectures – but it’s great! The explanations are accurate and you can always repeat difficult parts – it works excellently. Without a doubt, Med-Prep Europe is the smartest choice you can make for yourself.
Med prep Europe’s pre-med school summarizes the material for the entrance exams to various universities throughout Europe in a very interesting, in-depth and understandable way.
Throughout the four months of the program, you are accompanied by an amazing team that takes care of making sure all the studied material is understood, if there are any questions, or if there is any need for reinforcement and additional explanations!
After having taken 4 exams at the university in Kaunas Lithuania and not passing, I took my 5th exam with the help of the school, with the advice of Dr. Philip and Daphna, and I of course passed on my very first attempt.
For such intensive studies, you necessarily need amazing people next to you, who have taken this route before, and can guide you to your success in the most focused and correct way.
Many thanks to the Med-Prep Europe team for the support and personal attention to each student, and the desire for everyone to succeed !!
Iโd like to recommend the pre-med preparatory school Med-Prep Europe.ย
Thanks to them, I passed the entrance exam. This is one of the unique preparatory schools with in-person lessons, recorded lessons at the highest level with a teacher who explains excellently, proper management of learning, and in terms of price are the cheapest!ย
Highly recommended !!
I started studying in the pre-med school without prior subject knowledge, of course with quite a few concerns that soon disappeared due to the warm and personal treatment I received.
The school teaches from the basics in each of the subjects, and is therefore suitable for everyone, in addition to the high-quality and highly accessible curriculum.
The school staff is supportive and professional, and I felt supported both academically and mentally.
Highly recommended!
When I started my journey to study medicine, I realized very quickly that the option of studying abroad was worth considering, and after a lot of research, I decided to apply for medical studies in Kaunas, Lithuania. I found out there are quite a few pre-med schools in Israel, but they all had the same problem: in-person lessons, with most of them at the central region of the country. Since I live in the north of the country in the far periphery, this would have made it very difficult for me.ย
Then I heard about the Med-Prep Europe preparatory course. This combination of online learning that allowed me to study at home, quietly and in my own time, and a weekly meeting with the amazing instructor Hodaya – suited me perfectly. The school gave me a lot of tools for the road ahead, including how to study correctly. In medical school, most learning is done on your own.ย
The Med-Prep Europe team was very professional and helped with any question I had. I passed the Kaunas admission test with a high score, and no doubt Med-Prep Europe helped me start this difficult journey on the right foot.
Hi, I am Idan, 18 year old, a pupil in twelfth grade. I was considering several pre-med schools, and finally decided on taking the Med-Prep Europe preparatory course. It definitely paid off for me!ย
The lectures, lessons and teachers in the school are very good, and teach the required material in a good and gradual way.ย
With all the pressure from matriculation exams, I was able to cope with it all, and passed the test for Kaunas thanks to the pre-med school. Highly recommend taking it – it will pay off for you!
After comparing prices and talking to the representatives of almost all of the pre-med schools, I can full-heartedly say that the course that Med Prep offers is the most comprehensive and cost-effective, without any competition and without any compromise on quality, personal accompaniment or support.
The quality of the material is at a high level, probably even higher than you will need for the exam, in order to prevent endless memorization and to give the student the opportunity to understand the material and give the option to go deeper if you want to. Do not worry about dealing with the more mathematical part, where necessary the lecture is also accompanied by a practice in which they go through detailed techniques for solving typical questions with emphases and tricks. I was at some points amazed at the level of investment and the amount of work required to set up this project.
I worked full time during the course, and it was not easy but definitely possible for someone who has enough motivation. No other course will allow you to do most of the work in your spare time.
From a young age, I knew I wanted to study medicine, it is the most beautiful profession in the world and I knew I my place was there.
When I started the journey towards medical school, I realized I needed guidance. I had not studied biology and chemistry at school, and my knowledge was completely nil.
With a lot of concerns, I signed up for the Med-Prep pre-med school, and I quickly realized that I was getting excellent support, whose purpose was to prepare me optimally for the entrance exam for medical school.
The school provided me with a framework that prepared me for both the test and the studies.
The pre-med school proved itself, I passed the test successfully! And now I begin the journey towards my lifeโs dream, to become a doctor.
This is not an easy road and thanks to the great pre-med school, I start this journey on the right foot.
I am very happy that I chose med-prep, the school taught me everything I needed to know to be accepted to study medicine in Lithuania, even though I had no previous background in subjects like chemistry and anatomy. I really liked the teaching method, which explained everything in an excellent way, and allowed flexibility in learning and did not limit me in terms of schedule.
The teaching staff are always available for any question, and gave personal guidance throughout the process. I am glad that in the end I got a good score on the university entrance exam, and all thanks to the pre-med school.
Highly recommend the pre-med school.
The teaching method is built from the ground up, so that even those who do not come with a background from high school can understand and succeed. I did not study chemistry at all in high school, and encountered chemistry for the first time in the pre-med school, and I still managed to pass the test on the first try, and with a good grade. It is highly recommended.
In order for you to be able to assess our methodology, and experience the effectiveness of online training, we have built a small free online course for you, with introductory lessons in biology, chemistry and physiology.
The course is hosted on the Thinkific site, where our entire program is hosted.
After pressing the button, you will be directed to the course website, where you will be asked to register and create a user account in order to access the course.
We are sorry, the free trial course is under maintenance, and is not available at the moment. It will be up and running shortly.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
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